us on our honeymoon in portugal

Sunday, June 8, 2008

first post

so, i decided to start this for a few reasons:

1) to help organize my thoughts
2) (and more importantly), to help with staying in touch with my friends and family.

so the good news is that i'm trying!! i have been really bad about staying in touch with people i care a lot about, and my only excuse is that my life is really just too full right now. that's no one's fault but my own and i know that. but things don't happen overnight... so while i'm trying to cut back on work (which is definitely the biggest offender), i also am trying to focus more on several things, including going to the gym more often and keeping in better touch with folks.

anyway, i figured that even if i'm not calling/emailing as often as i should, if i concentrated on posting updates in a central location regarding what's going on with me, at least you'll feel like you're 1/2 in touch with me. :) the other 1/2 is that i still don't know what's going on with you... but it's at least a start.

i welcome comments, photo sharing, etc.!

thanks and i hope you enjoy.


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