us on our honeymoon in portugal

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter wander

Most people are doing ham, lamb and fam for the weekend.... I am walking around in my own little bubble in a new place.

Today I decided to just walk. I had a general plan and some maps, but overall not a real agenda aside from interviewing neighborhoods for Brian and I to move to. :-) It was long but fun! I thought everything would be closed, but I feel like more stuff was closed on Good Friday than Easter Sunday...isn't that weird? Or maybe I was just in closed areas on Friday....because today there was still some stuff open and people around.

First I went to the town south of Dawn's neighborhood of Coburg. It's called Brunswick and Brian will love it I think. There are tons of bakeries, coffee shops, middle eastern stores, lebanese restaurants... I read later that Brunswick has a large Turkish and Lebanese population so it makes sense. The food there must be fantastic, and everything is very family-owned, hole-in-the-wallish. I really like that. The only negative I see is that it's only a few stops south of Coburg and I already think the commute to Dawn's is on the outside of my limit. I don't handle long commutes well, and I think I am probably 45 minutes door-to-door right now (we'll find out for sure on Wednesday). So we'll see about Brunswick, but it's definitely our style.

I also walked through the towns of Carlton and Fitzroy...both are cool. Fitzroy was appealing in particular...for my SD friends, it reminds me of a combo of OB and North Park (not by the water). Very hipster-ish, but a bit rugged too. I liked it.

I noticed a few things on my adventure today:

1) There is A 24-HOUR DRIVE THROUGH FLOWER SHOP in Carlton. Yes, for emergency flower needs. I should have taken a photo, I loved it.

2) Two people today asked me if I was from Canada. No one has yet to say "so you're from the States, huh?" or something like that. This makes me wonder

a) Do I talk like a Canuk?
b) Do I look or act like a Canuk? (don't know how they look or act different, just wondering)
c) (this is my vote) maybe they don't want to offend the Canadians by asking if they are American? I remember my Aussie friends Christel and Neroli telling me that they had a Canadian friend who got a bit annoyed when people assumed she was American.... but do Americans get annoyed if we are confused with Canadians? I didn't care, it just made me think. So maybe the Aussies have figured out that it's better to ask if we're Canadian than to assume that we're American..... that's fine, I'll just ask if they are Kiwis from now on. :-)

So that was my Easter. Talking to my parents and my hubby helped me remember that I am only sometimes in my own little bubble here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you look like you are from Canada. I enjoy your blog and it will be a nice way to share your adventures with us and all of your friends.
Love Dad