us on our honeymoon in portugal

Monday, March 22, 2010

Australia, Skydiving and Justin Bieber

So, the intensity has been turned up. Last Tuesday I got word that my visa was approved! Brian and I bought a flight right away (didn't even run it by my new company, just wanted to pull the trigger), and I am flying out of LAX a week from tomorrow, on March 30th. I land in Melbourne in the morning of April 1.

We are leaving Arizona this Friday for San Diego and Brian will take me up to LA on Tuesday. The details are still being worked out, but one thing I do know is WE ARE GOING SKYDIVING on Saturday. WOOOT to the WOOOOOOT!! I am STOKED. A little nervous, but really excited.

Funny thing is, I didn't expect Brian to do it with me. He hates roller coasters, he hates all of the adrenaline kind of rides... so I assumed I would go without him. But when I was calling to put down my deposit the other day and reserve my spot, he says reluctantly, "go ahead and reserve for me too...." all rolling his eyes and acting like I'm making him go see "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" or some bullshit. I'm like, "dude, don't go if you aren't into it. It's kinda expensive, you don't like heights... no big deal." His reply? "I don't want to feel like a pussy since my wife did it and I didn't."

Ummmmm I feel like that's the wrong reason to jump out of a plane from 18,000 feet, but ok.

So we will see if he wusses out or whines the whole time or what. But I am super excited!! I just hope the dude who's going to be strapped to my back isn't on a suicide mission. :-)

As for Justin Bieber? Ok so I was watching the View today (yes, I watch the View. Yes, I know that's lame. What can I say? I'm a sucker for those ladies), and they had on Justin Bieber. And I have heard of this little dude, but didn't know what the deal was about him, just knew he was like the male Miley Cyrus where all the little teenyboppers are all about him. I wasn't really paying attention at first, but then I started listening to him in his interview. He's so polite? He's articulate! He's 16! (Who knows what kind of monster he'll be in few years, but right now he's a sweetheart) Then I heard him sing..... no wonder Usher and Justin Timberlake were fighting over signing his little ass. He's a great singer. Is it bad that I kinda want to download the song he sang on the View?

I know, I'm 32 years old and have a crush on a 16 year old... at least I haven't gotten into the Twilight bullshit.

Back to reality. Tomorrow I am opening an IRA with two 401(k) rollover accounts, going to the bank, making a Target run, and....what am I forgetting?.... oh yeah, PACKING. blahhhhhhhh

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