us on our honeymoon in portugal

Thursday, March 11, 2010

bday wishes

thanks to everyone for the bday wishes today... makes me feel good to know that i have such good friends all over the place! it helped make it a good day.

it was a pretty basic day, btw. i walked the boys, talked to some folks on the phone, treated myself to a mani/pedi and went out for bbq with brian and his parents... all in all, a great day!
Plans for this weekend include going to the Renaissance Festival in Apache Junction, AZ and seeing Alice in Wonderland.
(me chomping on a turkey leg at the Renaissance Festival)

as for australia, everyone keeps asking when i'm going and it's so frustrating to have the answer of "i don't know yet". I was told I had to purchase health insurance for Brian (even though he won't be in Melbourne full-time until mid-August), so I did that on Tuesday morning. The insurance company is then supposed to email me a confirmation letter for me to send to my visa agent that proves that we have paid. I guess they can't move forward with the visa until they receive that letter... and of course, i still haven't received the letter. I called the company again yesterday and they said they were backed up on requests and it might not go out for a few days.... and the agent won't give me a better idea of the timing of when my visa will get finalized until she receives that letter. And I can't buy a ticket or make any real plans until I get an estimate from her.

So I'm getting frustrated, but I talked to Andy yesterday (who's my American friend in Sydney), and he said that I'll get there soon enough and not to stress about it. Good advice I think. Anyway, so for my SD peeps, the plan is for me to fly out of LAX, probably on a Monday night or Tuesday night. So Brian and I will come out to SD on Thursday or Friday and spend the weekend hanging out with our SD friends before Brian takes me to LAX for my flight. Sooooo.... it might be the weekend of March 25th-28th, or maybe the following weekend which I think is Easter.

So I will keep you guys posted for sure!

In the meantime, I am still getting stuff together here. Made several trips to Goodwill over the last few days and continuing to separate stuff into four piles: donate, storage, ship to Australia, take to Australia now. It's all a bit overwhelming but we're plugging away!

Also, tomorrow I take all four clowns to the vet (dogs in the AM, cats in the PM...can't handle all of them at once). This is when they all get their blood drawn for rabies, call a "titre test". Assuming that everyone comes back positive (0r negative i guess...whatever, the way we want them to), tomorrow will be Day 1 of the 5 month quarantine in the US. So that puts the pets and Brian coming to Melbourne around August 8th or 9th. Not ideal, but not terrible.

That means that I will most likely only live with Dawn for about four months; hopefully she won't want to kill me by then!

On a much more important note, the Steelers. Yes, I know that it is very much the offseason, but stuff is going down. I am not happy about the Ben Roethlisberger situation, although it is interesting that he had two cop buddies with him (along with Willie Colon, who supposedly was cuttin' it up on the dance floor the whole time and didn't see "the incident"). But the cop buddy thing could be interesting: either they are F'ed because they're kicking it with an assailant (i know, awesome word!), or else it might mean that he actually didn't do shit because he cop buddies were around and wouldn't have let it happen . Anyway, it's interesting.

On a positive Steelers note, I am stoked that we are keeping Ryan Clark and that we signed back Randel El again. We need serious help in special teams, so i'm hoping Randel El will be the man for that. I am a little worried about Mike Wallace... I thought he did well last season and really might deserve the third WR spot... but I am not concerned about keeping Limas Sweed. I get a punk/wuss vibe from him, so whatevs. Update: now I am really over him, wtf??

Lastly, I just saw the premiere of Lady Gaga's 9-minute "Telephone" video, and I hate to admit that it was pretty entertaining. Her music is the kind of thing that gets stuck in my head and is catchy, but I would never go buy it.... but I still kinda like her in a wackadoodle kind of way. The video was definitely a bit nutso... but i liked it.

I also like Chelsea Handler.

I am now done being narcissistic.

(I. Me. My. I. I. Me. All. About. Me. hehe)

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