us on our honeymoon in portugal

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's Official!

Brian came home last night and we made our official decision--Australia, here we come! I was calling Dale the recruiter while Brian was updating his facebook status with "HOLY BALLS, WE'RE MOVING TO AUSTRALIA!". hahahaha

Now I am getting a zillion questions about the situation from friends and family....which makes sense considering we just told everyone that we plan to stay in Arizona and for me to get my MBA. Things do change quickly I guess!

Anyway, I'm feeling less stressy today and much more excited. So much so that concentrating on studying for the GMAT has been nearly impossible. I take it next Tuesday, 2/9, and I am totally slacking in the studying department.

We're still not sure when we're going... we're thinking the 2nd or 3rd week in March. And actually that's when I'll go--Brian will most likely stick around here a few weeks longer and tie up loose ends. And yes, we are taking the menagerie, also known as Marley, Odin, Sambuca and Olive. It's pricey to bring them, and they have to stay in quarantine for 30 days, but we have decided overall that it's best for everyone. I truly can't imagine living without them and I read that most people are very happy they made the decision to bring them, despite being nervous like we are.

I think they treat the animals well in quarantine, and luckily we are allowed to go see them and play with them, so Brian will go often so they don't feel abandoned and I'll pop over when I can.

I'm going to stay with my friend Dawn for two weeks or so, and I will hopefully find a place to live before Brian gets out there... We are looking for a large 2 or 3 bedroom place with a backyard for the clowns, and close to a train station so I can commute to work and Brian can have the car. We only want to have one car...that's all we should need really. BTW, the 2 or 3 bedroom factor is specifically for guests, SO START SAVING BITCHES!!! hehe.

What else? Brian is currently looking into online options for going to school--we were thinking about enrolling him in the University of Melbourne or something but my visa status still considers us "long-term visitors" so we would have to pay tuition out the ass. But we will technically still be residents of AZ, so he's thinking of going to ASU Online or something like that, and then working part time. But that might not happen until he's around for a month or so and we are settled in the new place.

Just talked to our 'rents, and it sounds like they will come out to AZ before we leave. It will be good to see them and maybe we'll put them to work. :-) We would also like to head out to San Diego, so I'll keep you posted on timing for that guys.

Ok going to get some In N Out. What? They don't have it in Australia. I need to stock up. :-)

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