us on our honeymoon in portugal

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

who's blacker, snoop or charles barkley?

that is seriously what the topic is on the George Lopez show.... never saw this show before but i was compelled to watch this one.

Snoop's pissed because Barkley is 75% sub-saharan african and Snoop is 71% sub-saharan african. they actually seemed stoked to get their DNA done... i don't know if I think it's awesome or ridiculous.

BTW, George Lopez's monologue was a whole lot of not funny. i wasn't impressed, although I did like him giving Snoop a Josh Grobin CD because "that's what white people like".

Re: the Australia stuff, I have had a pretty productive few days! I got all of our documents scanned and sent in for the visa paperwork, and today I had to drive down to Tucson to get my passport expedited. $150 and 8 hours later, I now have an updated passport! I had never gotten around to changing my last name on my passport...didn't figure we were going out of the country any time soon.... but obviously that got bumped up on the priority list.

I also bought health insurance for myself today, because they need proof of me being covered to submit for the visa. So without fully understanding their system, I am now a proud owner of some random Australia health insurance plan.

What else? I posted my Prelude on Craigslist and have heard from several folks so far... I have a few people coming over on Saturday to take a look at it. So hopefully we'll be down one car and have some cash in our pockets soon. :-)

ok it's getting late... peace!

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