us on our honeymoon in portugal

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Menagerie

Well Brian and I ran into a little quagmire last week when we started researching companies that move pets internationally. We knew that pets had to be quarantined for 30 days in Australia, and had decided that in the long run, it would be fine for the pets and would make us happy to have them with us.
But after talking with some specialists, we found out that not only do the pets have to be in quarantine for 30 days in Australia, they have to be held in their own country for 150 days on top of that! Basically the deal is that Australia doesn't have rabies...never has...and they have a really strict policy on bringing animals into the country. They used to require everyone to put their pets in a 180 day quarantine (their quarantine is like a boarding facility, so it's not a horrible experience...but having your pets in a boarding place for 6 months is just sad). Now they allow for the first five months to be served in the home country and the last month still needs to be served in the facility in Aus.

And the 150 day ticker doesn't start until the have tested negative for rabies, which is usually administered 4 weeks after they have been vaccinated against rabies....

What all of this means is that Brian and I had a lot of figuring out to do... do we get rid of the pets? Do we find someplace for them to go for 5 months? But ultimately what we decided to do is keep the pets here in AZ with Brian until the 150 days are up. That means that I will be going to Melbourne around mid-March, but Brian won't be coming until mid-August most likely. He will plan on coming out for a week or so halfway in between.

I am going to miss him!! I am really bummed that we're going to be separated for that long, but we both think that this is the best solution to the problem overall. It also is a better financial decision because I will be staying with our friend Dawn for a few months, which will give me time to research neighborhoods and save point in moving into a big place for the whole fam until everyone gets down here. :-)

So... that's the latest.

Also, on a side note, I am taking the GMAT tomorrow. You would think I would be excited/anxious/something since I have been preparing for it for so long, but I am pretty 'blah' about it. I am trying to get some good studying in today and then a good night's sleep....and then hopefully I'll do ok! I have been slacking a bit in the studying department, but I hope that won't affect my score too much.

PS Glad the Saints won last night....but I do sorta feel bad for Peyton... he looked so depressed. How am I going to live without football?? The good news is my recruiter is a big american football fan and he said he'd help me figure out how to get the games when the season starts next year, so yay for us. :-)

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