us on our honeymoon in portugal

Monday, February 15, 2010

lots o' stuff to figure out

today was filled with figuring crap out; really basic stuff like: what visas am I eligible for? how do I get my passport renewal expedited? How does Australia's health insurance system work?

So, yeah. I don't have it all figured out yet, but I'm working on it. Re: the visa, I am getting sponsored on a 457 visa, which is the main employer-sponsored visa. Brian will be my dependent on this visa and it allows him to be able to work wherever he wants, so long as I don't get laid off. If I happen to get laid off, then I have like 3-4 weeks to find another company to sponsor me, or else we get deported. But assuming that doesn't happen, I believe our visa is valid for 4 years and then can be renewed with some B.S. involved. All in all the 457 is a good visa; there are also some great tax benefits to account for the fact that we also will (potentially) owe taxes in our home country as well. It's a good thing there are so many tax loopholes in the US to help us out with that. :-)

So there is a bunch of stuff I am in the process of gathering for the 457 visa: marriage certificate, birth certificates, proof of work history, blah blah. Most of it is easy, but the main thing I'm working on now is my passport renewal. When we got married I changed my social security card, driver's license and checking account, but figured we wouldn't be traveling for a while and didn't get around to doing the passport. Now it's REALLY URGENT. So I figured out a little way that may help expedite things: I was told to have my future employer send a letter stating that I need to change my passport ASAP, and for an additional fee I can make an appointment at the closest state department office, which is in TUCSON. blahhhhhhh. Whatever, anyway so I am hoping this will work. I might be taking a trip tomorrow, we'll see.

So the thing about the 457 is it takes a while to get pushed through, so my company was hoping to get me another visa to be a temporary one until the 457 gets approved... but it appears that the only option is one for 18-30 year olds, and since i'll be 32 in less than a month (yes, I'm old...suck it!) I'm not sure yet when I'm going... but we are still shooting for the 2nd week in March.

The last piece is the health insurance, and it has been a doozy so far. Brian and I aren't eligible for their public health system since we're considered long-term visitors, so we are responsible for paying for private insurance. This is required for the visa, which is cool with me, except for the fact that their system is soooo much different from here.... I'm sure I'll get it eventually, but for now I am trying to figure it all out at lightning speed so I can purchase it for the visa. Questions I'm running into are: do I want to pay extra to go to a private hospital if we have an emergency, or is the public hospital good enough? How does the prescription plan work? It sounds like the insurance carriers cover up to an amount on a list...but where's the list? Whose list is it? What do they consider "pre-existing conditions" (brings me shudders from all of the healthcare debates here in the US)?

Anyway, my head is kinda spinning, but I'm sure I'll get it all sorted out.

On a much more important note, I am trying to figure out how much money I am allocating toward my new handbag fund (they are very fashiony in Melbourne, and clothes and stuff are super expensive in Australia, so I am going on a shopping spreeeeeeeeeee). I have unfortunately fallen in love with quite a few beautiful bags and am having a hard time narrowing them down.

Oh woe is me, my life is so hard! Haha feel free to put me in my place.

Ok the Olympics are over for the night, so peace!

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